Kamis, 22 September 2011

How to Make Cute as a Button Cupcake Toppers

Looking for cupcake designs or ideas for a christening or for a birthday? Here's a tutorial for a cute as a button cupcake topper. Super easy and super quick :)

What we need:
Fondant (any color)
Ball tool
Two round fondant cutters (one slightly smaller than the other)
Fondant rolling pin
Here's how:
1. Roll out fondant using rolling pin, about 3-4mm. Use cornstarch whenever needed to prevent fondant to the surface or the cutters.
2. Using the larger round cutter, cut out the buttons. Remove excess fondant.
3. Position smaller round fondant cutter to the center of the button and press halfway.
4. Using the ball tool, press four holes in the center of the button. 
5. Brush off any excess cornstarch from the topper.
You can either top just one on a nicely frosted cupcake or add three buttons in a cupcake like the top photo.

Celebrate Bake Happy-ness!

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