Sabtu, 24 September 2011

How to Make Piano Cupcake Toppers

Remember the cupcakes I did for my friend Lyra's recital?  I wanted make another "music" inspired cupcake. Want to see how a Piano Cupcake Topper is made? 
What we need:
Fondant (black and white)
Fondant rolling pin

Here's how:
1. Roll out black fondant using rolling pin, about 1-2mm. Use cornstarch whenever needed to prevent fondant to the surface or the cutters.

2. Do the same for the white fondant.
3. Cut out a rectangle from the white fondant.
4. With the back of a knife, press vertical lines on the fondant. Make sure they are evenly spaced.
5. Cut out a black rectangular strip and using water as glue, attach it to the top of the white fondant.
6. Cut out five smaller rectangular strips from the black fondant.
7. Arrange the small rectangular strips similar to black piano keys.

Celebrate Bake Happy-ness!

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