Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Sometimes, cupcake gurl gets tired of baking cupcakes, too.
I haven't made these in awhile. I was supposed to make an upside down cake as the fifth cake for Christmas but when I looked up recipes, it was supposed to be a cake served warm... since I have to transport the cakes, I don't think it would a good cake to serve. Good thing my sister suggested that I make cookies.

I made lousy cookies before... they're either undercooked, super hard or won't even hold their shape. This time (after two years) I think I finally got it. Ive read somewhere that the trick is to barely mix all the ingredients. The mis en place took longer than the actual mixing actually. The result... super chunky, chewy and yummy cookies.

I can't wait to bake this again soon!!!!

Happy Cupcaking,

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