Yeah, we're close... as any two people can get. But you know I'm only dreaming.
So why cupcakes for Tita Cory?
Flashback to 1986...

That's me. Pudgy ole me in the center. Would you believe me if I say one of my earliest memories was when my family and I were in one of Tita Cory's rally with me sitting on Pop's shoulders chanting "Cory! Cory! Cory!" after each long pause in her speech flashing the "Laban" sign. Back then, I didn't understand what it was all about or what she was fighting for. But it sure was fun to be surrounded by the positive energy, people seeking change and all things yellow.
Then Senator Noynoy Aquino announced Tita Cory's passing away. It was a sad day for the Philippines, everyone mourned the death of the Lady in Yellow who epitomized freedom, democracy and courage.
So these are for her.
Thank you, Tita Cory. Please continue to watch over us.
Happy Cupcaking,