Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010

Of Typhoons, Butterflies and a Frosting Challenged Baker

Manila got hit by a typhoon
There was no electricity for two days
I had to climb several flights of stairs in darkness

Highlights of my week... but I am not complaining. Despite the inconveniences I am thankful my family's complete, safe and happy.

Typhoons and butterflies aren't exactly related... can we play the six degrees of separation here? Probably not.

Anyway, Tita Vicky was in town for a visit so I decided to make cupcakes for her.

Chocolate is a flavor that seems to be liked by many so those are the ones I've baked. But to give it a twist, I made it Devil's Food style. To give the icing a little bite, I made cream cheese frosting.

You know when sometimes no matter how you style your hair, it won't just give you a break? I did not have a bad hair day last week but I did have a bad frosting day.... There were too many bubbles, the icing was too soft it literally wilts away as soon as I piped it in the cupcake, the colors just won't blend with the frosting... but I should stop complaining... it tasted great anyway... or so I'm told.

The toppers I made were butterflies... I need practice making the faces... my butterflies' faces look like they come from another planet.

Happy Cupcaking!

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