Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012

How to Make Plants vs Zombies Cupcakes - Jalapeno (2 of 5)

They say you always have to have a pen and paper on hand in case the inspiration strikes and you just thought of the wittiest blog entry opening ever. This however, doesn't seem to work for me as I often thought of the things I want to say while in the shower. Not the best place to inspire creativity I know, but surprisingly, it works for me. The sad part is, as soon as I step out of the shower, I already forgot what witty thing I had to say.


Instead of pen and paper, I should probably install a whiteboard and a marker in the shower. Well... thinking about it, that would surely up my geekness level and definitely plummet my coolness level down. But then again, I shouldn't have told you that, should I?

Oh well, enough of babbles and on with the tutorials.
This is part two of the Plants vs Zombies Cupcake Topper series I'm working on. Hope you enjoy it, Bake Happy Friends! :)

What we need:
Fondant in mint green, red, white and black
Rose petal cutter

Ball tool
Brush and water
Here's How:
(1) Roll red fondant into a ball
 (2) Then shape it into a teardrop, curl the pointed end to one side
 (3) Roll green fondant into a teardrop shape, flatten the wider end and attach to the red fondant.
(4) Using the ball tool, press sockets into Mr Jalapeno's face. This is for this eyes so they won't bulge too much. He's scary looking enough as it is. 
 (4) Roll two balls of white fondant for the eyes, note that one eye is bigger than the other [Don't ask me why, it is what it is. Maybe we can ask PopCap Games :)]
 (5) Roll out white fondant, cut out a rose petal.
(6) Cut horizontally into half. Add the teeth details using the knife
 (7) With the ball tool, make a dent onto where the teeth is supposed to be
 (8) Attach the teeth
 (9) Roll some small black fondant for the eyes.
(10) Now now now, this is where it gets exciting! Using the ball toll and a knife or a fondant tool, add some character into Mr Jalapeno. Make him look like he's seen better days, make him look angry, make him look ready for a fight! Grrrooowl!!! Though looking at this online images, I can't seem to decide if he's just plain angry with zombies or too frightened of them.  So go ahead shape him up...
Into something like this...
I know what you're thinking. You see, great minds think alike :) I know your wondering where the toothpick will come into play. It'll serve as Mr Jalapeno's lifeline to the cupcake so he can stand...
and fight those zombies away!

on another note...

These past few days have really been challenging. 

I salute the men and women who rescued the flood victims trapped in their homes, the news people who brought us the latest news, to everyone who helped in anyway they can. The rains may be strong but our spirits are stronger.

Clearly, times have changed. What we experienced was not really a storm but "habagat" and it caused so much damage, grief and sadness. My heart goes out to everyone who has been affected by the continuous rains.  

I'm so happy to see sunshine today. We have a lot to be thankful for. Let us help anyway we can. 

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