Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

Marshmallow Fudge Recipe

Wow! That was one great Christmas! I am pretty sure you all are  still on holiday mode as I am.  After all, there are just three more days before we usher in the New Year! That doesn't leave us to think of anything but food, food, food, right? Okay, while we're at it, let's throw in two more important f's, family and friends. The ones we should celebrate this joyous season with.
With all the celebrations going on, I know we really can't do complicated desserts at this point. I'm all for simplicity, so my dearest oven, you are officially on vacation, too. Let's reconnect on 2013, yeah? :) Here's a quick and easy recipe to usher in the New Year! Hope you like it!

Marshmallow Fudge
adapted from Real Simple

You will need:
12 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped
2 14-ounce cans sweetened condensed milk
1½ cups miniature marshmallows
Here's how:
(1) Heat condensed milk in a pan, do not allow it to boil.
(2) Add chopped chocolate
(3) Mix until melted and combined really well. By this time, I transferred everything to a bigger bowl because I overestimated using a small pan :)
(4) Add the mallows
(5) Pour the fudge into an 8x8 pan which has been lined with wax paper
(6) Chill overnight. Quickly cut up and serve.
Quickly because...well they melt easily and you'll see they'll quickly be gone :)

Happy New Year! :)

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