Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

How to Make Fondant Treasure Chest Cupcake Topper

Times are a-changing.
That's just too serious.

Anyway, I jotted down all the things I want to show you how to make in fondant and realized at the rate we're (read: me) going... I don't think we're going to finish in this lifetime (or even the one after that). So I decided to somehow speed things up and group the tutorials into themes - and post tutorials as much as I can. There are A LOT that I just can't wait to show you.

The only problem I have now is... I can't seem to find time to sit down and do them properly. The idea struck me the last week of January but up to now I still haven't found the time to make them. And since I know I lack the time, I even prepared and bought some ready made fondant from Bake it Dainty and Love2Bake to help speed things up.

Anyway, the first theme I'm playing with is Pirates. Isn't that exciting  And when we think of pirates, think maps, flags, skulls, and of course treasure chests!!! And I won't let you read more of my ramblings. Here's how to make it :)

How to Make Pirate Themed Cupcakes - Fondant Treasure Chest Tutorial

What we need:
Fondant in brown, red and gold
Small cutter/plunger - round and oval
Luster dust in gold
Small ball tool
Dragees in gold and pearls
Gold sprinkles
Rolling pin
Water and Brush to paste things together
Toothpicks for support
 Here's how:
(1) Using a knife, cut a small rectangular box from the brown fondant. You can also just shape it into a rectangular box but cutting it out is way easier - plus, you get sharp edges if you cut it up.
(2) Again using the brown fondant, shape it into a cylinder (think long elongated big marshmallow) and cut into two. Now we have the top of the chest.
 (3) Using the knife, etch some wood marks on both pieces.
 (4) Roll some brown fondant thinly and etch some wood marks also. Set aside
 (5) Run the ball tool on top of the chest to depress it a bit.
 (6) Place a small strip of red fondant.Then cut some wooden strips from #4.
 (7)  Add the strips into the top and bottom parts of the chest, like so.
(8) Create some coins using the round cutter/plunger and gold fondant (then dust it with the luster dust) and arrange on top of the chest together with the gold sprinkles and dragees. The oval plunger will be used as a lock on the chest
 (9) Using toothpicks for support, attach the top part to the bottom part of the treasure chest.
Got any themed fondant topper request that you want to be featured here in Bake Happy? Just send them to me okay? :)

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