Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

Fondant Seal Tutorial

Two days ago - There's this old school Disney Cartoon starring a baby seal and a grumpy Donald Duck which inspired this post. I have been trying to find the video somewhere but no such luck. I remember seeing the cutest baby seal ever but the story had him crying (which almost made my five year old self cry as well) and his tears formed a ginormous snow ball. I can't remember how it ended but that sad baby seal made an impact on me. 
Today - While doing my usual chores, a ding suddenly dinged in my head and realized the cute baby animal from the Disney video was not a seal at all but a penguin! A cute penguin! Oh my!

Apparently, it did not leave an impact on me. At all. 

Ahhh... So now what am I going to do with this tutorial? Here I am thinking it's a seal all along when it's a penguin. Oh well, here's the tutorial anyway. Perhaps a fondant penguin tutorial will be on the works.  

This baby seal looks cute anyway. Just saying. 
Fondant Seal Tutorial

What we need:
Fondant in gray and black
Fondant tools
Water and brush to glue things together
White sprinkles
Silver luster dust (optional)
Here's how:
(1) Roll gray fondant into a raindrop shape. 
(2) Cut the tip into two, flatten it and curl it outwards. Have something (like in my case a fondant tool) support the seal's upper body. 
(3) For the head, roll gray fondant into a tear shape. Add the eyes,
(4) Press the half moon fondant tool into the face to form the lips. 
(5) Add the nose and whiskers. 
(6) To make the seals flippers, roll gray fondant into small raindrop shapes. 
(7) Flatten them and leave knife marks. 
(8) Attach the head and flippers to the body. 
(9) This step is optional, since seals are shine, we can brush the seal with silver luster dust for an added effect. 
Easy peasy, yeah? Perfect for a under the sea themed party or a circus themed one! :)

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