Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Daddy Cool

The greatest gift I ever had
Came from God; I call him Dad!
~Author Unknown

Let's all celabrate Father's Day!

This is for Papa. He loves to go fishing. I remember when my sister and I were kids, Sundays mean fishing, watching Ready Get Set Go (okay, I am an 80's kid) and the simple fancy for lunch. The day would start with me, my sister and Papa grabbing our bikes and heading to the market to buy bait and then going to the nearby river and "try" to fish. Though I distinctly remember we didn't get to catch a single fish those times (I think my loud, boisterous laugh scared the fishes away), I enjoyed it immensely. Sundays were pure bliss. It still is.

The frosting is supposed to be this big big wave but if it was just frosting alone, it won't be able to support the big fondant topper so I have to use another cupcake and carve it like a big wave to serve as the support. And although there is a support, the topper is still too heavy so I have to shoot it fast in case it topples down. Which did happen... see the middle fish and the cupcake liner? There are snippets of blue frosting where it isn't supposed to be... but that's just our little secret.

Happy father's day to all the fathers out there!

Happy cupcaking!


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