Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Pinoy Cupcake: Champorado at Tuyo

When I was a kid, I don't like food (I don't have that problem now, a perfect evidence is my waistline). Every year come the school annual physical examination, I give my mom a report from the school nurse saying I was underweight. You know what one of Ma's tricks was? Using condensed milk as her paintbrush, she'd put a smiley face on a champorado. Then she'd coax me to eat it, "Look now! We're eating the eyes", "Oh look, we're eating the lips!" Ma totally worked her magic on me. 
Champorado (and I am quoting from Wikipedia) "is a sweet chocolate rice porridge in Filipino cuisine. It is traditionally made by boiling sticky rice with cocoa powder, giving it a distinctly brown color and usually with milk and sugar to make it taste sweeter. However, dry Champorado mixes are prepared by just adding boiling water. It can be served hot or cold and with milk and sugar to taste. It is served usually at breakfast and sometimes together with salty dried fish locally known as tuyo."
As part of my Pinoy Cupcake Project, I made these Champorado and Tuyo cupcakes. Chocolate cupcakes made of rice flour and tablea de cacao, iced with chocolate ganache, topped with a sliver of fried tuyo and drizzled with condensed milk.
This post is also for Joshua and his wife Roma, my sister's school friends. They now live in London so I am guessing they terribly miss Filipino food, hence the request to make champorado cupcakes. Joshua and Roma, these are for you.

Happy Cupcaking!

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