Kamis, 21 April 2011

Keep Your Glass Slippers... I'd Rather Wear Flip Flops

Because it's the summer season! 
And I really prefer flip-flops, who can rock a perfectly good pair of glass slippers anyway? 
Only Cinderella can... and oh yeah... perhaps Lady Gaga can too. 
It cannot be denied any longer. Summer has officially arrived. The season of bikinis, sunglasses, halo-halo and of course, flip flops. 

These colorful little paper umbrellas look so cute. They are the perfect toppers for my summer inspired cupcakes.
Right side up...
They maybe made only of paper but they opened up pretty well. Aren't they lovely?
And here are the flip flops made from fondant. Girly pink fondant flip flops. Yellow and pink is a lovely combination, don't you think? 
And oh.. I hope Robin doesn't mind, I borrowed the title of her blog for this post you see. She's one of my favorite authors. 
If Cindy Ella reaches for Chunky Monkey when she needs cheering up, I reach for Robin's books. It's just like eating Tiramisu, a little pick me up, only without the calories.
Happy summer everyone!

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