Rabu, 13 April 2011

Recital Cupcakes

It was the first time I attended a recital.

All I can say is...

It totally blew me away. Wow! 
As part of the completion of her Music Degree, my friend Lyra had a recital two Saturdays ago. I am soo glad I came. She was in her element, her stance so confident, her voice so magnificent. I can still remember her first day in Music School, she told me they even had a quiz. On the first day? Wow! And now, she just completed her degree. It was amazing. Dare I mention how time flies? 
I decided to make her cupcakes. See my blank canvas below? You can never go wrong with chocolate cupcakes.
 Swirly green cream cheese frosting sprinkled with dragees.
 Topped with what else? Musical notes! After all, these are recital cupcakes.
 The toppers are made from chocolate sugar cookies. 
 Congratulations, Lyra!!! 
Pammy, me and Ivy

Happy Cupcaking!

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