Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Cupcake Baking 101: Cupcake Liners

We’re talking about cups today – the cupcake kind that is.

Do you want to bake cupcakes but don’t know where to start? Well, you’ve definitely come to the right place. I am writing a series of posts dedicate to cupcake making. The first post is all about pans. This time it is all about cupcake liners. 

Cupcake liners are definite must have. You would need cupcake pans to bake then with as they cannot hold a cupcake batter on their own.

They come in different designs, colors,

Sizes, regular and mini,
And some even come in metallic colors, gold, silver, red, green.

I bet you can find a cupcake liner to match every occasion. 
I love collecting cupcake liners of all types. Sometimes, I find them sooo pretty I don’t find it in my heart to use them. And I have more than enough that I store some under my bed along with some sprinkles.
I used silver cupcake liners here, some red ones here, and brown ones here, here and here.

Happy Cupcaking, 

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